Ranni my beloved


🕷(WEBSITE IS GETTING SLOWLY UPDATED(i may make a new one i the future,, idk))🕷


19|polish|infp|nb ace/aro lesbian


Heyyy Im Moth but u can also call me Kotelu! A complete mess. As u probably guessed already i LOVE snails, bugs, lizards, dinosaurs n alike,, those r my silly lil hyperfixtions,, im also a huge fan of Hatsune Miku, birds, cats, sharks, fnaf, sanrio characters, pokemon, fantasy, history n generaly creppy stuff hehe. Some stuff i rl enjoy as well include sonic, star wars, strawberry shortcake, overlord, ect.
Listed so u can expect what ill talk abt >:3 I have memory issues n pretty big anxiety as well as autism n adha so pls be mindfull TvT Still I'd love to make friends n talk with ppl so go ahead! Dms always open!
Hope u r having an amazing day💕✨

✨My comfort charas, I love them sm aaa✨


How do i use your pronouns?
they/it/she/(ect) love(s) bugs
their/its/her/(ect) name is Moth
you may slap them/it/her/(ect)
they shit themself/itself/herself/(ect)
What do you use to draw?
Huion screen tablet (dont remember which one tho), Clip Studio Paint n these amazing brushes(link)
Can we be friends?
Um,, depends,, i like to talk with ppl but i get uncomfortable quickly so i beg you DONT start with smt like "hi can we be friends oWo" just talk with me casualy but just pls dont escalate it too quickly n expecting anything, sorry TvT
R u a boy or a girl?
I identify as nonbinary n i dont rl care, so for me its up to your interpretation :3
How can i call you?
Like i said in the about section call me Moth/Kotelu but im also fine with nicknames. Im okw with dude, guy, bro, girl ect, tho pls dont call me darling, bestie, honey or any of that stuff
How did u learn to draw?
Tbh i have no idea👀 i just kinda did?? I drew a shit ton of fnaf fanart dfcxdcgdfcfg
When will/Will you open commisions?
Mostly likely yes! I have no idea when tho bcs i open them only when i have time n feel like to do it
Can i message u? N where?
Yes u can^^ n u can do it on whichever platform im on but id highly prefer discord, toyhouse or instagram, as i may not respond quickly (or at all) on other platforms


ASK FOR PERMISION BEFORE EDITING MY ART PLS! im ok with most edits but still please askTvT its kinda uncomfy for me when seeing my art edited without my knowledge
✦if commisioning payment is upfront before ill start or after the sketch is aprooved depending on comm type
✦blacklisted ppl CAN NOT commision me or get/own any of my designs (unless they owned it previously n r not blacklisted for scamming or smt like that) n MAY NOT contact me unless they want to set things straight
✦if you gift/sell/trade character to a blacklisted person u'll get a warning (2/3 warnings n u get blacklisted) UNLESS it was done knowingly, then ull get blacklisted imidietly
✦i can take a bit of time to finish owed art/customs due to school, personal issues n my mental health (finishing time may last from 1 day up to even several months TvT im extremly sorry if thats the case aaa)
i have all the rights to refund or deny your commision for any reason i do not have to state
✦do not sell characters i made for more that they are currently worth, (ex. character with base value of $20 +$30 in art may not be sold for more than $50) also if character was gifted the value does not go to 0 it stays as it is (until it gets extra art ofc)
✦u can change design of character i made to fit your liking once u own them, just dont do that too heavily (by that i mean changing design to a point its baerly recognizable)^^
✦feel free draw/commision NSFW of my designs once u own them BUT ONLY IF THEY ARE IN ANTHRO FORM N HAVE NO AMINAL GENITALIA! id prefer if they werent overly sexualized, but again as long as its anthro, n it was not stated in specific designs desc not to do so, then i dont mind much ^^
✦ please DONT_ sexualize/draw NSFW of my ocs!!! Im ok with gore n mildly suggestive art of them as well as sfw nudity but no nsfw ;v;
✦ i DONT refund art commisions (i will change it for free if i did smt wrong but if u want a change that is not smt o my behalf then u have to pay a extra fee) UNLESS no progress was made for a long time, i do full or partial refunds (depending on stage of completion) on customs only if u dont like the outcome at all, OR i can completly redo design once, leftover design will be sold away
✦u can ask for wips n progress anytime^^ its even appreciated by me if u do it every once in a while bcs of my memory problems! just pls dont be too pushy TvT


✦homophobic/transphobic (in general LGBTQ+phobic)
✦proshipper, pro maps/incest/necro/zoo (pls get help)
✦13 and under (pls respect that)
✦make fun of both mental n physical ilnesses/disabilities


Blaclkist form: ✦username(s)|why blacklisted|can be un-blacklisted?
!wont be listing warnings!

(same goes to general ppl like confirmrd proshippers, rascists, ect as it would be impossible to list everyone esp if i didnt interct with/noticed them prior)

✦KittyMamaa (DA)|continiously copying others designs n using my base for that too|can eventualy get un-blacklisted if change their behavior but will remai with one warning
✦piggiedrwas (TH/IG)|not only broke my base's tos by not crediting n using it as a paid ych, but also broke my tos in general, as wrell as other ppl's tos |mostly likely wont be able to be un-blacklisted
✦BASTION_OW (TH)| openly drawing feral p0rn, disgusting, literaly wtf | no way they're getting un-blacklisted
✦HeartofSenso(TWT)/HeartOfSenso(TH) | scamming ppl by selling Ai art/characters/customs with smal edits/cleanups +not admeating to guilt after beeing caught n called out multiple times,, BEWARE OF THEM | absolutley shitty behaviour, no un-blacklisting


commisions status: ask
art trades: mutuals only
Will draw: anthro, feral, human, humanoid, horror, gore (mild or heavy as long as its non-exploitative) , any species, any bodytype, sfw nudity, mildly sugestive, fanart, selfinsert, pet portraits
Won't draw: generaly nsfw, nsfw nuity, hatefull art, fetishes, zoo, proship (or any of that shit), mechas
Ask: irl ppl portraits, suggestive (obvious but no pps out or anythin)


PayPal only! Shading details up to discussion in person
(prices may change in the future)

✦bust/icon $20
[animated $22-30]
✦halfbody $35 (up to waist)
✦fullbody $50
✦reference sheet $55/75 (details up to discussion)
✦outfit doodle-sheet $75 (details up to discussion, always unshaded)
✦customs $55 (details up to discussion, always unshaded)


✦background [no bg/simple/semi detailed +$0]
✦full scene (aplies for busts, halfbodies n fullbodies) +$7
✦detailed/dificult character fee +$3
✦extra character +30% of base price



Here are links to all my socials! If u find someone saying its me off these platforms, welp that is NOT me then

discord: Koteluu
Art Fight
Instagram (alt. acc)
Email: [email protected]
Deviantart (inactive)